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(714) 633-3133


At Children’s Village Preschool, our teachers are committed to ongoing professional development to bring the best learning experiences to our students. During a recent…
At Children’s Village Preschool, our teachers are committed to ongoing professional development to bring the best learning experiences to our students. During a recent…
We had a special visit from a dentist and a tooth fairy. They read the children a book about how to take care of…
We had a special visit from a dentist and a tooth fairy. They read the children a book about how to take care of…
Pajama Days 2024 was a hit! Friends at Children’s Village Preschool of Orange ended October and started November in our pajama’s.…
Pajama Days 2024 was a hit! Friends at Children’s Village Preschool of Orange ended October and started November in our pajama’s.…
It was a full house during our annual Fall Festival. The evening was filled with fun family activities. Families decorated pumpkins, face painted, explored…
It was a full house during our annual Fall Festival. The evening was filled with fun family activities. Families decorated pumpkins, face painted, explored…
We had our preschool trip to Irvine Park Pumpkin Patch this week.  While at the pumpkin patch, the children went on a train ride…
We had our preschool trip to Irvine Park Pumpkin Patch this week.  While at the pumpkin patch, the children went on a train ride…
At 10:17 a.m. on Thursday, October 17th, millions of Californians, including Children’s Village, participated in the largest earthquake drill! We practiced to Drop, Cover,…
At 10:17 a.m. on Thursday, October 17th, millions of Californians, including Children’s Village, participated in the largest earthquake drill! We practiced to Drop, Cover,…
We celebrated National Play-Doh Day on September 16, 2024. Each classroom made their own Play-Doh. Children got the opportunity to squish, mold, roll, cut,…
We celebrated National Play-Doh Day on September 16, 2024. Each classroom made their own Play-Doh. Children got the opportunity to squish, mold, roll, cut,…
Children’s Village Preschool of Orange participated in the International Mud Day Celebration sponsored by the World Forum Foundation.…
Children’s Village Preschool of Orange participated in the International Mud Day Celebration sponsored by the World Forum Foundation.…
Our annual Welcome Summer Sing-along was on June 7th. We had a great turn out!…
Our annual Welcome Summer Sing-along was on June 7th. We had a great turn out!…
Congratulations to the Children’s Village Preschool class of 2024.…
Congratulations to the Children’s Village Preschool class of 2024.…