Enrollment Forms
These forms will be needed once enrollment start date is confirmed; they are not needed to be added to the waitlist.
See what parents are saying…
We love children's village. We love all the teachers there!! ❤️❤️❤️

Onelia De Angelis
Since he began attending Children's Village, my son has shown incredible growth in his development. We love the time spent getting dirty, the interaction with animals, and the compassion shown for the children by all staff members. They are proactive in developing developmentally appropriate activities to encourage children to grown and thrive.

Sarah Roth
Love, love, love Children's Village! My daughter attended for PreK and loved it. In her first week, she saw butterflies come out of their cocoon and got to release them outside, fed bunnies and chickens, and watched chicks hatch out of eggs in an incubator. They target learning through exploration and observation during hands on activities. This is an awesome school your child will love. Drilling letters and numbers is not age appropriate and caused my daughter to not want to go to her previous school. She was excited to go to Children's Village every day.

Elizabeth O'Hara