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Every day you and your child say good-bye to one another in the morning and hello again in the afternoon. These hellos and good-byes are children’s first steps on a lifelong journey of learning how to separate from and reunite with important people in their lives.
Learning to say hello and good-bye to the people we love is a process, not a goal to be achieved in the first week or month or even year of preschool. Indeed, after many years of experience, we adults sometimes find it difficult to separate and reunite.
We focus on hellos and good-byes in our program because they are such a major part of your child’s life today and always. Being able to separate is necessary if children are going to develop as independent, competent people. Being able to reunite is necessary to building and maintaining caring, long-term relationships.
How we can work together:
Try to spend some time each morning and afternoon here with your child. Your presence will help make the transition between home and school easier for your child.
Remember always to say goodbye. By saying goodbye, you strengthen your child’s trust in you. Your child can count on the fact you will not disappear without warning. When you let us know you are about to leave in the morning, we can help you and your child say good-bye.
We can work together to create a hello and good-bye ritual. This may be as simple as walking to the door with your child or giving your child a giant hug before you leave. Having a ritual offers you both the comfort of knowing what to do.
Be aware that sometimes good-byes and hellos will be “bumpier” then others. As we all know, goodbyes and hellos can stir up many deep feelings. These feelings combined with your child’s stage of development and other factors such as being hungry or tired, can make saying good-bye and hello difficult at times.
Bring in family photos and other reminders of home that you want to share. Seeing these special objects will help your child feel connected to you throughout the day.
By working together, we can help your child feel comfortable, secure, and competent in school.