We celebrated the Week of the Young Child is this week! April 12th through the 16th.
The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood education association. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children, their families and to recognize the early childhood programs serving them.
We have a week full of fun activities and themes including:
MUSIC Monday: We will be singing, dancing, making instruments, hosting a classroom parade, and celebrating learning through music. It is also Crazy Hair Day!
TASTY Tuesday: We will be talking about healthy eating, fitness, and the importance of sleep. It is also Pajama Day! For safety reasons, please make sure your child wears school appropriate shoes, not slippers.
WORKING TOGETHER Wednesday: We will be working together, planning, collaborating, and building together. It is also Sports Day! Dress for your favorite sport or show team spirit for your favorite team by wearing a team jersey, shirt, or uniform!
ARTSY Thursday: We will be thinking, problem solving, and creating while participating in different art and sensory activities. It is also Silly Dress Day (mismatched colors, clothes and socks, backwards clothes, etc. Get creative!).
FAMILY Friday: We will be sharing different family stories. It is also School Spirit Day (School-T-Shirt or The Color Green)!