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(714) 633-3133


Our preschool and TK (Transitional Kindergarten) class roasted pumpkin seeds!  They cut open a pumpkin and then helped separate, season, and mix the pumpkin…
Our preschool and TK (Transitional Kindergarten) class roasted pumpkin seeds!  They cut open a pumpkin and then helped separate, season, and mix the pumpkin…
Today our TK class made pumpkin pie!  They got to smell each spice such as: ginger, cinnamon, cloves and pumpkin, and they discussed how…
Today our TK class made pumpkin pie!  They got to smell each spice such as: ginger, cinnamon, cloves and pumpkin, and they discussed how…
This week is the beginning preschool classroom’s turn to help care for the animals. Caring for animals is a daily part of our curriculum here…
This week is the beginning preschool classroom’s turn to help care for the animals. Caring for animals is a daily part of our curriculum here…
Water play builds the foundation for understanding various scientific concepts including water’s physical properties such as motion and flow…. plus it’s tons of fun!…
Water play builds the foundation for understanding various scientific concepts including water’s physical properties such as motion and flow…. plus it’s tons of fun!…
Last week was a warm one in Orange, the children and teachers are looking forward to the cooler temps as we move into more…
Last week was a warm one in Orange, the children and teachers are looking forward to the cooler temps as we move into more…
Our centers are very fortunate for having wonderful people working and caring for children and we are also incredibly fortunate for the parents we…
Our centers are very fortunate for having wonderful people working and caring for children and we are also incredibly fortunate for the parents we…
The preschool children went to visit the Environmental Nature Center in Newport. Inside the center, they got the opportunity to see and touch different creatures…
The preschool children went to visit the Environmental Nature Center in Newport. Inside the center, they got the opportunity to see and touch different creatures…
Check out all the ways the children explored pumpkins in October and November including: pie baking, seed roasting, still life drawing, scrubbing, measuring, weighing,…
Check out all the ways the children explored pumpkins in October and November including: pie baking, seed roasting, still life drawing, scrubbing, measuring, weighing,…
Academics can be explored in many different ways. In a play base hands-on curriculum, children explore academics by constructing their knowledge with the assistance…
Academics can be explored in many different ways. In a play base hands-on curriculum, children explore academics by constructing their knowledge with the assistance…
The preschoolers and toddlers had a fun time in the mud! World Forum International Mud Day is a day for children and early childhood professionals…
The preschoolers and toddlers had a fun time in the mud! World Forum International Mud Day is a day for children and early childhood professionals…