Bittersweet but proud part of preschool.
We wish we could keep them forever but at one point they have to graduate from preschool and move to the next steps. Below are from cards or e-mails received […]
Random e-mail the other day
Good Morning, I could not help be surprised that this preschool is still here! I attended in 1970-72 When Mrs. Villaneve was a teacher there with farm animals, orange trees […]
Parent Survey comments May 2014
A few responses when we asked “What do you like about our program?” I love the setting of the school, with its multiple play grounds and buildings. I love […]
…we choose to send our daughter to CV because of all the benefits.
5/16/2013 (copied from Yelp filtered reviews) My youngest daughter currently attends CV and my oldest daughter attended several years ago. I LOVE this preschool and so does my daughter. Given […]
Bottomline: Feel confident in placing your child here.
7/31/2012 (copied from Yelp filtered reviews) We looked at probably a dozen preschools before coming here, and I can tell you, it was worth the search. As a result of […]
New Playhouse
We recently rebuilt the upper yard playhouse and added a stage. We shared the construction project pictures with our parents and received several very nice comments back. Here are two of […]
Preschool Parent Survey comments
Comments taken exactly as written from Parent Survey, March 2010 1 – I love that my kids LOVE going to school so much. They are happy, enjoying learning (letters, […]
I Played
Our son has been enrolled at Children’s Village Preschool since May 2008 and we feel truly blessed for the experience he is having by being there. As a first time mom, […]
Coming Soon
Under Construction